Wednesday, November 26, 2008

50 Random things...

Ok, so several of my friends have done unlike my "normal self," I'm jumping on the train! Hope I can make it to 50...

Random things that you may not know about me!

1. One of my pet peeves is when two people sit on one side of a booth at a restaurant. I'm sorry if you do this, but I think it's kinda strange looking!

2. I am terrified of newspaper. Well, not really scared...but I will NOT touch it. I think it's because I touched it once when I was a kid. All I remember is that I got ink on my hands, and that really bothered me!

3. My middle name is Annette. I was named for an aunt who died before I was born. She was blonde, a singer, loved to be around friends and family, and loved entertaining. It's funny that I am sort of like her...

4. I am a night owl. I don't really "get going" til about 10am. I could stay up until about 3am every night...actually, 3am is the day! ;-)

5. I caught the carpet of my Pastor's house on fire when I was younger. By younger....I think I was 13!

6. The one time I can't talk is when I need to warn someone about something. My Dad hit a deer once because all I could do to warn him was point and say, "Uhh...da da da dahhhh...that!"

7. I used to memorize the entire children's Christmas play when I was younger and make my parents video me singing through it. I even did the spoken parts! We have proof of this!

8. I can't ride fair rides. I think it's the fact that they go round and round. I can do Carowinds, but I can't do the fair. Maybe it's the combo of fair food, smoke, and the ride that does me in.

9. Paul Newman is the only movie star that I've ever said was attractive! And...he just passed away. Yeah, he was before my time.

10. I was a little tomboy when I was younger. I refused to pierce my ears until I was 18, and it took me until 15 to start wearing makeup. Let's put it this way...I didn't play with Barbies.

11. When I find a song that I like, I will literally listen to it over and over again. Then, weeks later...I've moved on to the next favorite.

12. I take my camera with me everywhere I go. You can capture some pretty good moments that way.

13. I always wanted to a mouseketeer, but Mom wouldn't let me audition. Seriously, I would have done it in a heartbeat.

14. I hate math. I always have.

15. I still have all four of my grandparents. They (with my parents) will always be the ones I admire the most.

16. I could eat warmed brownies and vanilla ice cream every day.

17. Vitamins make me sick...seriously sick.

18. I love to travel. When I travel by plane, I like to dress up.

19. I used to think that the big bad wolf lived at the end of my hallway at night when it was dark. So, if I ever had to walk down it...I would sprint!

20. I am obsessed with people's names and what they mean.

21. I love star gazer lilies. I think they smell amazing!!!!! I will probably have them in my wedding bouquet...I like them that much!

22. I can eat sunflower seeds like they're going out of style. Secretly, I spit out the shells. Mom hates it!

23. My nicknames when I was a kid were "Boogaloo" and "Squirrel." Both were straight from Dad.

24. My Dad ALWAYS brought us a snack from the gas station...usually a Pepsi and a Zero Bar or Three Musketeers...I will never forget that.

25. I used to write notes to get out of my 4th block class early in high school. My teacher found out though, since I did it for two weeks in a row one time.

26. I was a pageant girl in high school. Not the "Little Miss Pumpkin Patch" pageants, just high school pageants, Junior Miss, etc.

27. I broke my arm the summer before my 7th grade year jumping a fence. I don't jump too many fences now.

28. I would be a newborn nursery nurse for the sole fact that they get to hold, feed, and play with newborn babies all day long!

29. I'm not good with surprises. My cardinal rule is: Don't tell me that you have to tell me something...then, make me wait! Haha.

30. I really want to go to Hawaii and Australia.

31. I sleep in the middle of the bed, and I like for it to be completely dark.

32. I can't tell you when the last time I salted my food was.

33. I don't like watermelon or cantaloupe.

34. I believe that the Bible is pretty specific about caring for widows and orphans. I would love to adopt one day...but I'm not saying that I have to.

35. I am allergic to cats.

36. I'm not a very "mushy romantic" person. I don't need love notes, songs, fancy dates, or loads of flowers. I'd rather just spend time with someone.

37. My parents bought me the Camry when I was in the 9th grade. It was my basketball team's first loss of the season, in which I was double teamed and scored no points. I walked outside, they showed me the car, and I said, "Let's go home." Sounds bratty...but I was just really mad.

38. The first time got stung was by two wasps on my pitching arm at an all star tournament in Hanahan, SC. I had to go make sure I wasn't allergic, so I had to be the designated hitter for the rest of the game.

39. I get one of two things when I go to Starbucks: a regular cup of coffee or a chai tea latte

40. I love the summer. I am the happiest person when it starts getting warm outside, and a pretty sad one when it gets chilly.

41. I never missed a Sunday at church until I was 15. We went to church even on vacation...

42. I have two habits. I twist my hair and rock from side to side...mostly, it's when I sing.

43. I would love to have a big family one day. I always say, I'd take as many kids as my marriage and body can handle! Haha!

44. I was supposed to see Coldplay in concert three years ago, but Chris Martin (the lead singer) got sick, and they cancelled the show!

45. I was always really skinny, and I used to pray that I would get some meat on my bones. What was I thinking???

46. I'm not very good at keeping in touch by phone.

47. I love the song "Claire de Lune" (classical piano). One time, I heard a husband and wife play it as a duet, and I actually cried.

48. I was in a show once and my character had to list off (in a song) all the names of Jacob's 12 sons. I'm pretty sure that I forgot a couple, so I said Reuben and Levi an extra time.

49. If I could, I would sit down and talk to each of my patients for an hour!

50. I talk in my sleep...and people have been telling me that for years!

Ok, if you've made it through even a fourth of these and haven't stopped...I'm impressed. I'm sure Mom will read every single one. Writing all these kinda made me laugh at some strange parts of my life. All right...that's it for me!


Jules said...

#45..seriously??! ARE Skinny. You so silly.

Unknown said...

#25 Why am I just now finding out about this??? Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?!!!!

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

I loved reading these. :)